0 ---------------- Nothing here. 1 ---------------- LIGHT WARRIORS.. Just as in Lukahn's prophecy. Garland has kidnapped the Princess. Please help her!! 2 ---------------- Thank you for saving the Princess. To aid your quest I ordered a bridge built to the continent. Go now, and make the ORBS shine again!! 3 ---------------- The Princess always worries about you. 4 ---------------- No one touches my Princess!! LIGHT WARRIORS?? You impertinent fools. I, Garland, will knock you all down!! 5 ---------------- So, you are the LIGHT WARRIORS! Thank you. 6 ---------------- This LUTE has been passed down from Queen to Princess for 2000 years. Garland stole it when he kidnapped me. Please accept it as my gift, it just might come in handy. 7 ---------------- Now, get ready for your trip, and make the ORBS shine again. 8 ---------------- Aye, I am Bikke the Pirate, and surprised I am that you scurvy dogs have the nerve to face me. Mates! Get those landlubbers! 9 ---------------- Okay, you got me. Take my SHIP. A ---------------- I won't be any more bother. I promise. B ---------------- For five years the Prince has slept under Astos' spell. Only HERB can wake him! C ---------------- Oh, this HERB will release the Prince from Astos' curse. Look! He is waking.. D ---------------- Thank you. Peace will return to ElfLand. E ---------------- Is this a dream?.. Are you, the LIGHT WARRIORS?.. Is this for real?.. So, as legend says, I give you the mystic KEY. F ---------------- I feel fine now. Thank you. 10 ---------------- z....z.... 11 ---------------- Astos double-crossed us. Go south, to the Cave of Marsh, to retrieve the CROWN. Then, bring it directly back to me! 12 ---------------- tis I, Astos, all along!! I'll take that CROWN and you'll pry the from my cold dead hands! 13 ---------------- A rock blocks construction of my canal. If I only had TNT. 14 ---------------- Oh, wonderful! Nice work! Yes, yes indeed, this TNT is just what I need to finish my canal. Now excuse me while I get to work! 15 ---------------- For the LIGHT WARRIORS I will make a truly legendary sword. However, my supply of ADAMANT is exhausted. 16 ---------------- ADAMANT!! Now let me make the sword for you.. Here, the best work I've ever done. It is my gift. 17 ---------------- Where is my CRYSTAL? I can't see anything without it.. Who stole my CRYSTAL? 18 ---------------- WARRIORS. Revive the Power of the ORBS! 19 ---------------- The Prince needs HERB? I'll trade the most powerful HERB to get my CRYSTAL back.. Oh! I can see!! 1A ---------------- You have no more business here. Go!! 1B ---------------- Everybody knows me. What?! You've never heard of Dr. Unne? 1C ---------------- A SLAB!! This SLAB will lead us to solve the riddle of the Lefeinish!! Now, listen to me.. 1D ---------------- All living things were born to die. No one can defeat me, the Vampire!! 1E ---------------- Use this ROD behind the Vampire's room. Hiding deep inside you will find the cause of the earth's rot. 1F ---------------- I am BAHAMUT, King of the Dragons. Bring me proof of your courage, to receive the honor due true Warriors. 20 ---------------- The TAIL of a rat proves your courage. I shall give you the honor due true Warriors. 21 ---------------- The four ORBS now cover the black ORB.. To take a step forward is to go back 2000 years in time. 22 ---------------- The black ORB glitters ominously.. But nothing happens. 23 ---------------- That pirate trapped me in the BOTTLE. I will draw OXYALE from the bottom of the spring for you. 24 ---------------- Thank you for saving me. Remember! OXYALE will give you air. 25 ---------------- I made a submarine to save the mermaids. But, to go deep enough it will require OXYALE. 26 ---------------- WARRIORS, you have OXYALE. The mermaids wait, please help them! 27 ---------------- Take this CUBE. With it, you can transfer to the FLOATING CASTLE. 28 ---------------- Please.. 29 ---------------- No one passes this road. 2A ---------------- If you want pass, give me the RUBY.. Crunch, crunch, crunch, mmm, it tastes so sweet. Rubies are my favorite. 2B ---------------- Great job vanquishing the Earth FIEND. Now, the Fire FIEND wakes. With this CANOE go to the VOLCANO, and defeat that FIEND also! 2C ---------------- 400 years ago, we lost control of the Wind. 200 years later we lost the Water, then Earth, and Fire followed. The Powers that bind this world are gone. 2D ---------------- Possession of the CROWN is required to test your courage. Take it to the royal throne, and bring back proof of your courage. GOOD LUCK! 2E ---------------- Remember me, Garland? Your puny lot thought it had defeated me. But, the Four FIENDS sent me back 2000 years into the past. 2F ---------------- From here I sent the Four FIENDS to the future. The FIENDS will send me back to here, and the Time-Loop will go on. 30 ---------------- After 2000 years, I will be forgotten, and the Time-Loop will close. I will live forever, and you shall meet doom!! 31 ---------------- The King is looking for the LIGHT WARRIORS. You do not happen to be them do you? 32 ---------------- Yes Sir!! I belong to the Honor Guard of Castle Coneria. 33 ---------------- Please! Save the Princess! 34 ---------------- Thank you for rescuing the Princess. 35 ---------------- Legend says that the LUTE can break the evil gate. 36 ---------------- Garland used to be a good knight until.. 37 ---------------- In sadness, the Queen locked herself inside. 38 ---------------- The Princess was looking for you! 39 ---------------- So, you are the LIGHT WARRIORS? 3A ---------------- Here, take this 3B ---------------- I am Jane, Queen of Coneria. Please save my daughter, Princess Sara. 3C ---------------- Thank you for saving Princess Sara. 3D ---------------- Oh.. My sister.. 3E ---------------- My sister is back safe! Thank you. 3F ---------------- Reports say that Garland holds the Princess in a Temple to the northwest. 40 ---------------- Use that KEY. Inside what you find will be quite helpful. 41 ---------------- 400 years ago the Treasury was locked by the mystic KEY. Our ancestors gave the KEY to the Prince of ElfLand for safekeeping. 42 ---------------- This treasure room is locked with the mystical KEY. 43 ---------------- The King is sure that someday the LIGHT WARRIORS will come to save the Princess, just as in Lukahn's prophecy. 44 ---------------- Lukahn left this town, to join his colleagues at Crescent Lake. 45 ---------------- As legend foretold, once again the ORBS shine!! Quickly, to fulfill the legend, take them to the Temple north of here, and stand in the center. 46 ---------------- Go to the King. 47 ---------------- I am Arylon, the Dancer! 48 ---------------- This is Coneria, the dream city. 49 ---------------- North of Coneria lives a witch named Matoya. 4A ---------------- Matoya has poor eyesight. She needs the CRYSTAL to see. 4B ---------------- My home is Pravoka, a beautiful port city far east of here. 4C ---------------- Kee..Kee.. 4D ---------------- Help! The FIEND's curse turned us into bats. With the ORBS shining anew, once again we can speak! 4E ---------------- The Four FIENDS power is rooted 2000 years ago. The real enemy is in that time. 4F ---------------- When the 4 ORBS cover the black ORB in the center of the palace, the Time Gate can open. 50 ---------------- You must travel back in time 2000 years. Now, with the ORBS shining, stand in the Time Gate. 51 ---------------- We are the five lost SKY WARRIORS. 400 years ago we battled against the cause of the world's destruction. 52 ---------------- Thank you. We don't need to be afraid of pirates anymore. 53 ---------------- I have escaped from Melmond, in the west. My town is in trouble. Please help them!! 54 ---------------- The Elves live across the sea. Matoya's HERB is the only thing that will wake their Prince. 55 ---------------- This town has been invaded by pirates. 56 ---------------- Ships can stop only at ports. There are no ports in the north. 57 ---------------- Help! 58 ---------------- There are many dangerous monsters in the sea. Be careful! 59 ---------------- Astos put the Prince to sleep. Please! Save him! 5A ---------------- The Prince is awake! Thank you so much. 5B ---------------- The Cave of Dwarf is at the west end of the Aldi Sea. 5C ---------------- Without warning, Astos attacked our castle. Our Prince was laid under a curse, and our treasury ransacked. 5D ---------------- It is said there is a witch who has HERBS. I believe that her name is.. Matoya! 5E ---------------- Is that it? The HERB to save the Prince? 5F ---------------- The Prince keeps the mystic KEY until the coming of the LIGHT WARRIORS. 60 ---------------- Maybe it's only rumour, but, I think the cause of all problems is to be found in the cave of Marsh. 61 ---------------- Save our Prince! 62 ---------------- Our Prince was to become the King of ElfLand. 63 ---------------- Long ago I wandered to the Northwest. I found an ancient castle that was so spooky, I left immediately. 64 ---------------- Astos has been defeated? Peace will now return to ElfLand. 65 ---------------- Astos wears a disguise, and lurks in seclusion. 66 ---------------- The Prince must wake soon, or the power of the Dark Elf will dominate! 67 ---------------- Legend says an AIRSHIP is buried somewhere. 68 ---------------- Swords and armors made of silver are very powerful. 69 ---------------- I can see a cave above the crescent.. To the north of the volcano, there you will find the FLOATER. 6A ---------------- In the desert south of the crescent, something is emerging from below the sand.. Use the FLOATER! 6B ---------------- The Prince must wake soon, or the Dark Elf will dominate! 6C ---------------- I'm looking for the FLOATER. I'll bet with it I could float anything. 6D ---------------- Old Nerrick is a very respectable Dwarf. 6E ---------------- That sound? Nerrick is digging a canal. 6F ---------------- Dwarves can see in the dark! 70 ---------------- Did you meet Smith, our blacksmith? 71 ---------------- With the CRYSTAL, even the blind can see. Astos stole it from Matoya. 72 ---------------- The earth is rotting slowly from the west.. 73 ---------------- The earth is reviving! Thanks to you, LIGHT WARRIORS! 74 ---------------- The @B..bracelet can protect you, like armor. 75 ---------------- Oh, did you see that canal? Old Nerrick truly is great indeed. 76 ---------------- Long ago, Coneria's Treasury safeguarded the use of TNT. 77 ---------------- Hurray!! 78 ---------------- ....TCELES B HSUP A magic spell? 79 ---------------- The Vampire of the Earth Cave is stealing the Power of the earth. We need your help. 7A ---------------- Melmond was once a beautiful town. 7B ---------------- The Titan who lives in the tunnel eats gems. He loves RUBIES. 7C ---------------- The Vampire is gone, but the earth continues to rot. What causes this? 7D ---------------- I'm a farmer. 7E ---------------- The Earth Cave is on the peninsula southwest of this town. 7F ---------------- Look! The Earth ORB is shining again. 80 ---------------- This town was invaded by the Vampire. The Clinic was destroyed and the town was cursed. 81 ---------------- Are you the LIGHT WARRIORS? 82 ---------------- Pass through the Titan's Tunnel, then south to find Sarda, the Sage. 83 ---------------- The Vampire is gone, but the earth still rots?.. 84 ---------------- In the northern world, there once was a prosperous civilization, but now it is ruins. 85 ---------------- If the ORB of Earth begins to shine again, the earth shall revive. 86 ---------------- LIGHT WARRIORS.. Thanks to you, the earth is beginning to revive.. 87 ---------------- They say the ancient people used a stone to make their ship float. 88 ---------------- OH! An AIRSHIP! The fables are true, it really exists!! 89 ---------------- Sarda does not fear the evils of the cave. 8A ---------------- Well, well.. You have become fine Warriors. 8B ---------------- I am Jim. My home is the Dwarf Village, but I am here investigating. 8C ---------------- We, the Twelve Sages, were lead here by the stars and prophecy. 8D ---------------- Once the ORBS shined with the power of Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water. The four FIENDS seized those Powers. 8E ---------------- Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water.. The world is bound by these four Powers. 8F ---------------- Each element's power focuses at its Altar. Locate, and crush the Fiend. Then to make it shine, place the ORB on the Altar it guarded! 90 ---------------- Four FIENDS are bent on the world's destruction. 200 years ago, the FIEND of Wind teamed with that of the Water to destroy civilization. 91 ---------------- The Earth FIEND causes the rot of our land. 92 ---------------- The Fire FIEND will burn everything up! 93 ---------------- As you restore light to the ORBS, we will reveal more secrets, please see us repeatedly. 94 ---------------- LIGHT WARRIORS, only you can make the ORBS shine again!! 95 ---------------- Quickly, before all is burnt, hurry to Gurgu Volcano and stop the FIEND of Fire. 96 ---------------- The Temple of FIENDS is in the center of the Four Altars. The time has come to destroy the source of evil. 97 ---------------- With the four ORBS shining again the Time Gate can be broken. The true enemy is 2000 years in the past. 98 ---------------- The world was suddenly thrown into disorder. You must restore it. 99 ---------------- Time is repeating. In order to break the Time-Loop you must eliminate the enemy who controls from 2000 years in the past. 9A ---------------- Someone travelled 2000 years to the past. The four FIENDS were sent forward in time. Those FIENDS threaten to destroy the world today. 9B ---------------- I see now. Someone who travelled back 2000 years is the cause of the world's destruction. After 2000 years he will travel back again.. Then again..Then again.. 9C ---------------- Time will repeat itself every 2000 years. Break the Time-Loop! 9D ---------------- In the Temple of FIENDS are the remaining SKY WARRIORS. They fought the FIENDS and are now bats! 9E ---------------- We must use force only for just purposes. 9F ---------------- For ten years I probed for the FLOATER. CANOE north, to the Ice Cave. A0 ---------------- I am Lukahn. Now all legends and prophecy will be fulfilled. Our path has been decided. A1 ---------------- LIGHT WARRIORS, you can do it! A2 ---------------- My brother Dr. Unne has studied Lefeinish, the language of the SKY WARRIORS. If he had the SLAB, he could teach it. A3 ---------------- Soar to my brother Unne with the SLAB! A4 ---------------- Have you found OXYALE? A5 ---------------- You have legs! A6 ---------------- My legs are beautiful! It's so nice to have legs. A7 ---------------- Underhill, the Caravan Master, had something very strange.. A8 ---------------- Until 200 years ago the Mermaids lived in the Shrine. Then, in fire and smoke, it sank. The Mermaids?.. A9 ---------------- Until 200 years ago, the Power of Water brought us good fortune. AA ---------------- The power of Water!! Now, our country will prosper like before. AB ---------------- I saw BAHAMUT, but, to be honored as a true warrior I must return with proof of my courage. AC ---------------- Well, well.. I see you have been honored. AD ---------------- Avast ye landlubbers! Stay out of me way. AE ---------------- My father runs the caravan. He is having a close out sale near the oasis in the western desert. AF ---------------- Kope 'says' he saw a shining object fall. B0 ---------------- Fables say that when the shrine sank, many treasures were lost. Also, they tell of a cryptic stone plate. B1 ---------------- My name is Kope. I saw it north, near the waterfall. Believe me! I think it was a robot. B2 ---------------- This town used to be prosperous 200 years ago. B3 ---------------- No! That is just an unusable sample. B4 ---------------- If we cannot regain the Power of Water, we will become bubbles, then disappear. B5 ---------------- Are we going to become bubbles? B6 ---------------- As long as the FIEND of Water lives, we.. Oh, boo hoo. B7 ---------------- You have responded to me!! B8 ---------------- This is the Shrine's top floor. The FIEND of Water, KRAKEN lives on the bottom floor. B9 ---------------- I suppose you are the legendary.. BA ---------------- Please save the sea, and make the ORB shine again! BB ---------------- Now, order has returned. The sea will be as it was before, beautiful. BC ---------------- My friend Darryl went to the land, then never returned. I've often wondered what happened.. Maybe, she grew legs and walked away? BD ---------------- Unbelievable!! You can breathe underwater?! I'm impressed! BE ---------------- To unlock the Mirage Tower the Lefeinish used a musical tone. BF ---------------- This door is locked by the mystic KEY. C0 ---------------- This town is Gaia.. C1 ---------------- Have you been to the city south of here? I just cannot understand a word spoken there. I have wondered what language.. C2 ---------------- Legend says the SKY WARRIORS flew about, here and there, from a castle high in the sky. C3 ---------------- I saw a shining object flying towards the east. C4 ---------------- Unbelievable! You are outsiders, right? How did you get this far north? C5 ---------------- Let me see.. Yes, there was a professor that studied Lefeinish. C6 ---------------- Only a fairy can draw OXYALE from the spring. C7 ---------------- Everyone thinks the tower in Yahnikurm Desert is a mirage. I wonder.. C8 ---------------- Hardy har, you are too late! I BOTTLED the fairy and sold her to a caravan. C9 ---------------- Legends say that the castle in the west is a place to test courage. CA ---------------- ?rewoP taerg evah uoy oD CB ---------------- What's that broom up to? It's talking backwards! CC ---------------- The fairy at the spring was kidnapped. CD ---------------- With this CHIME you can enter the Mirage Tower. CE ---------------- The Mirage Tower was the gateway to our home in the sky. CF ---------------- 400 years ago, we had an advanced civilization. Our interest was the universe!! D0 ---------------- Lu..pa..? Lu..pa..? D1 ---------------- We are the Lefeinish. Only our bravest became SKY WARRIORS. Your AIRSHIP was theirs. D2 ---------------- The FLOATING CASTLE.. Our ancestors lived there. The Mirage Tower is the entrance. D3 ---------------- At the time of destruction a legend was born.. In 400 years, WARRIORS with ORBS will appear to save our people . Are you?.. D4 ---------------- We fought with TIAMAT, but were unsuccessful. The FIEND now inhabits our FLOATING CASTLE. D5 ---------------- Our last five Warriors left to find the cause of the world's decay. We Know they live, but, as bats. D6 ---------------- We knew that a great power controlled the FIENDS. Our five bravest Warriors left, never to return. D7 ---------------- We have passed on the legends from generation to generation. But 400 years have caused our memories to fade. D8 ---------------- Oh, the LIGHT WARRIORS!! The legend is true! D9 ---------------- Until 400 years ago we controlled the Power of the Wind. This enabled us to suspend the castle in the air. DA ---------------- The power of Wind was taken by TIAMAT. DB ---------------- Here lies Entroper 'IMPs are safe' RIP DC ---------------- I wonder if the robots made by our ancestors are still moving? DD ---------------- The FLOATING CASTLE floats high in the sky, seemingly among the stars. DE ---------------- One of us escaped with a CUBE. He floated far to the west. DF ---------------- Transporter operation requires a CUBE. E0 ---------------- Are you the master? E1 ---------------- You can look out over the world from this window. E2 ---------------- If you are brave enough, try meeting the King of the Dragons, BAHAMUT. E3 ---------------- Unprofitable business is not a practice of the Dragons of Cardia. E4 ---------------- Long ago, Dragons and humans lived and traded together. E5 ---------------- You are not afraid of me?? Then, I am impressed! E6 ---------------- See your face upon the clean water. How dirty! Come! Wash your face! E7 ---------------- We are going to the Castle of Ordeal to the northeast. There we will test, and bring back proof of our courage. E8 ---------------- The proof of your courage might be anything. E9 ---------------- Have you met BAHAMUT, the Dragon King? He honors those with courage as true warriors. EA ---------------- Only the courageous ones bring back the proof of their courage. EB ---------------- Once in the north, there were beautiful palaces and big mechanical castles. EC ---------------- This is BAHAMUT's room. ED ---------------- BAHAMUT verifies the true courage of all. EE ---------------- This is a tomb. EF ---------------- This is a well. You might think that there is something to it.. But in fact it is just an ordinary well. F0 ---------------- In the treasure box, you found.. F1 ---------------- Can't hold F2 ---------------- The treasure box is empty! F3 ---------------- The Altar of the Earth. F4 ---------------- The Altar of the Fire. F5 ---------------- The Altar of the Water. F6 ---------------- The Altar of the Wind. F7 ---------------- At the bottom of the spring, something is flowing. F8 ---------------- TIAMAT is the FIEND of the WIND.. F9 ---------------- From this window one can see the entire world. The Four Forces are flowing together, into the center of the Four Altars. Into the Temple of FIENDS. FA ---------------- The FIEND's ball cracks open.. An ominous cloud rises, and an evil shape congeals.. It is LICH, the FIEND of Earth. FB ---------------- Is it you, the tinder that defeated the FIEND of the Earth, and disturbed my sleep? I, KARY will now show you the force of Fire, and you shall burn in its flames!! FC ---------------- The FIEND's ball is shattered, evaporating all the water. Ho, Ho, Ho.. How foolhardy to dare challenge me, KRAKEN the FIEND of the Water. FD ---------------- Lightning erupts from the FIEND's ball.. So, you have come this far.. I, TIAMAT the FIEND of the Wind will now put an end to your adventure!! FE ---------------- What?? You can speak Lefeinish? FF ---------------- There is a stone plate on the floor.. You sense something.. Evil?..